Functional Groups And Their Iupac Nomenclature

Functional Groups and their IUPAC nomenclature

graph TB A[Functional Groups and their IUPAC nomenclature] A --> B[Alkanes] A --> C[Alkenes] A --> D[Alkynes] A --> E[Aromatics] A --> F[Alcohols] A --> G[Ethers] A --> H[Aldehydes] A --> I[Ketones] A --> J[Carboxylic Acids] A --> K[Esters] A --> L[Amines] A --> M[Amides] B --> N[CH4 Methane] C --> O[C2H4 Ethene] D --> P[C2H2 Ethyne] E --> Q[C6H6 Benzene] F --> R[C2H5OH Ethanol] G --> S[C2H5OC2H5 Diethyl Ether] H --> T[CH3CHO Ethanal] I --> U[CH3COCH3 Acetone] J --> V[CH3COOH Acetic Acid] K --> W[CH3COOC2H5 Ethyl Acetate] L --> X[CH3NH2 Methylamine] M --> Y[CH3CONH2 Acetamide]